could not find compatible versions for pod could not find compatible versions for pod git git

could not find compatible versions for pod

As per my guess you are working on an old project means which is already developed in Xcode 8 series and now you are working with latest Xcode and you have updated the code accordingly.

So just do the below steps:

  1. "pod deintegrate"
  2. "pod install"
  3. "pod update" (if it is necessary so do it else if you have all latest pod so don't use it.)

It will remove all old cocoapods traces.

OR Alternate way to do it (Temp Work Around)

  • Remove that cocoa pod temporary, after all your work finish add to your project and give a try cause in my case it is the only work around i have that worked.

In my case pod repos were outdated, solved with pod repo update

if @Ravi Panchal's answer can't solve your problem, it may be your pod repo is out dated


pod install --repo-update