Cygwin ssh key added, but Git permission denied (publickey) Cygwin ssh key added, but Git permission denied (publickey) git git

Cygwin ssh key added, but Git permission denied (publickey)

For me, the cause is that I put my ssh key files in C:\Users\username\.ssh (which is /cygdrive/c/Users/username/.ssh in cygwin), but actually, you need to put your ssh keys in ~/.ssh to make it work. They are two different directories.

Run the following command in cygwin solved my problem.

cp /cygdrive/c/Users/username/.ssh/* ~/.ssh/

Notice that you should replace username with your actual one.

The agent does not have to be only running, but your tools have to know where is the agent listening. It is stored in variable $SSH_AUTH_SOCK and if it works for you from one terminal, it does not have to from the second one.

If you want to have it working in your NetBeans, you need to inject this variable into the NetBeans environment variables (but not sure how to do that so it would be passed from windows environment to the Cygwin terminal in NetBeans).

Or inject it later into the running terminal (possibly using .bashrc or other startup scripts). Simple test case would be to echo $SSH_AUTH_SOCK in the MinGW terminal and then write export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/the/path/you/got/from/previous/command into the Cygwin terminal.

Later on you can automate it by storing the variable into some file, that you can read in the Cygwin.

# MinGW scriplet echo "export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" >> ~/agent_env# Cygwin scriplet. ~/agent_env

Then you should be able to use your mingw agent from cygwin shell.

If you used a non-default file path for your git SSH key pair,you must configure your SSH client to find your git private SSH keyfor connections to GitLab.

You need to run the following commands to fix:

eval $(ssh-agent -s)ssh-add ~/.ssh/other_id_rsa