Does Gitorious have hooks for CIA commit notification? Does Gitorious have hooks for CIA commit notification? git git

Does Gitorious have hooks for CIA commit notification?

Gitorious is getting web hook support. It is currently running on, but without a UI for adding them to your repository; the reason for this is that there still may be a change or two to the JSON representation of the commit data exposed, so it should be configured a beta feature.

Anyone feeling up to writing integration code (handling gitorious' web hook requests), please send an email to support at and we'll set up the integration for your repository

The KDE project had a similar question in that thread, with an interesting alternative:

It doesn't have to be running on machines. At least, not for email/CIA/RSS/whatever reporting

That's how our old git-p4 hook worked in the office:
the p4 machine sent out a UDP packet with the revision number. Another machine caught it and did the import. (the value was discarded)

We could do the same:

  • the machine sends a UDP packet with the branches that changed and their new SHA-1.
  • Another machine fetches and produces the commit logs.
    Worst case scenario is that someone is forgotten due to a dropped UDP packet.

Like I said, this works for reporting -- for anything that is run by a post-receive hook.
For anything requiring a pre-receive hook (actually, pre-update, but the name is wrong in Git), it will have to be run on their servers.

Instead of pushing straight to Gitorious, push to a local repository that you've configured (in its post-receive hook) to both push everything to your Gitorious repository and notify CIA.