Error encountered while cloning the remote repository with VS 2015 Update 3 (TFS 2015 Update 3) Error encountered while cloning the remote repository with VS 2015 Update 3 (TFS 2015 Update 3) git git

Error encountered while cloning the remote repository with VS 2015 Update 3 (TFS 2015 Update 3)

After struggling with the above problem for a week, I posted the question today. But right after posting, I landed on a solution.

It has nothing to do with visual studio/tfs upgrade. I must have entered wrong tfs credential information (while checking remember me box). With remember me feature, the team explorer never gave me a chance to correct the credential information and probably kept using stored wrong credentials. Here is what I had to do to correct the issue:

  1. Control Panel\User Accounts\Credential Manager
  2. Remove any tfs related credentials.
  3. Launch visual studio
  4. It will now prompt you for tfs credential information.

Problem solved.

The following post (though dated) helped me in solving the problem: