error: git-credential-osxkeychain died of signal 11 error: git-credential-osxkeychain died of signal 11 git git

error: git-credential-osxkeychain died of signal 11

I am using Mac OS X 10.7.5. I recently downloaded git for Mac. Having it installed, I bumped into the same signal 11 error message when running:

$git credential-osxkeychain

which in turn runs:


Signal 11 is SEGFAULT which might indicate a bug (e.g. dereferencing a null pointer) with the git-credential-osxkeychain program.

I followed instructions on caching your github password and grabbed a new copy of git-credential-osxkeychain from S3. That resolved the problem. The new copy is of different size which makes me guess the bug has been patched.

In the meantime, I believe using a URL like in the config should also work around the problem as it bypasses HTTPS and uses SSH instead where the key chain helper is not invoked any more.

The error message is being thrown by a git credential helper. It is supposed to be a way for git to avoid asking for your username and password on every push (see here).

I don't know why it is dying but, if you want to stop using it (and avoid seeing the error message), delete your system gitconfig file.

On my system (OSX 10.6.8) I did it with: sudo rm /usr/local/git/etc/gitconfig because the only setting in the file was for the credential helper. Check yours first!

Since you are getting two death messages, you may also have the setting in your own ~/.gitconfig file or even your project's. Edit those and remove the credential helper block.

As you noted, the problem with the credential helper doesn't stop git from working. The next step is to find out why the helper fails!

I got it!Try to modify the contents of .git/config file in your project's root directory.

[core]    repositoryformatversion = 0    filemode = true    bare = false    logallrefupdates = true    ignorecase = true[remote "origin"]    url =    fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*[branch "master"]    remote = origin    merge = refs/heads/master


[core]    repositoryformatversion = 0    filemode = true    bare = false    logallrefupdates = true    ignorecase = true[remote "origin"]    url =    fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*[branch "master"]    remote = origin    merge = refs/heads/master