Explain clones info in Github's Traffic tab Explain clones info in Github's Traffic tab git git

Explain clones info in Github's Traffic tab

I believe part of the confusion is that the graph shows 4 cloners (blue line), and the label is saying 3 unique cloners. Other than that, it should be interpreted as:

  • 6 clones in the past 14 days, 4 made on 9/8 ... this may not indicate the "total" as you ask, as this graph only ever goes back 14 days
  • 3 unique cloners cloned it, some of them may have cloned it more than once...
  • ...For example, on 9/8, it could have been cloners:clones of 1:1 and 1:3 ... it doesn't give you that level of information
  • It should include every time the git clone command was executed against the repo, so all of your different devices, yes.
  • You would be identified as a unique user or not based on if it could determine "unique GitHub users (or anonymous IP addresses)" + confirmation from GitHub support

It is happened to my repositories as well. And while I am trying to figure out what is happening I came up with the following assumption.

Without discarding the idea of an individual cloning the repository for personal use (through the download button maybe), I believe that must be bots out there that are attracted by the labels that you gave or other parts of your activity and cloning the code.

Something like that I guess is useful for the people that are working on something specific and they are looking for a specific piece of code, (through the tags or the programming language etc), without giving much thought about the owner.