Find unmerged Git branches? Find unmerged Git branches? git git

Find unmerged Git branches?

Try this:

git branch --merged master

It does what it says on the tin (lists branches which have been merged into master). You can also pull up the inverse with:

git branch --no-merged master

If you don't specify master, e.g...

git branch --merged

then it will show you branches which have been merged into the current HEAD (so if you're on master, it's equivalent to the first command; if you're on foo, it's equivalent to git branch --merged foo).

You can also compare upstream branches by specifying the -r flag and a ref to check against, which can be local or remote:

git branch -r --no-merged origin/master

You can also use the -r parameter to show remote branches that were not merged into master:

git branch -r --merged mastergit branch -r --no-merged                         

If a branch is merged already, merging it again won't do anything. So you don't have to be worried about "re-merging" branches that are already merged.

To answer your question, you can simply issue

 git branch --merged

to see the merged branches or

 git branch --no-merged

to see the unmerged branches. Your current branch is implied but you can specify other branches if you wish.

 git branch --no-merged integration

will show you branches that are not yet merged into integration branch.