git add multiple files at once git add multiple files at once git git

git add multiple files at once

How to add multiple files with different extensions to git all at one time...

You can add to git by explicitly listing each file with spaces as delimiters.

$ git add file-name-1.php file-name-2.js file-name-3.html …

The accepted answer is perfect for the OP’s specific case. But I got here—via Google—needing to add multiple files with different extensions. Posting here in case you miss this similar answer to a similar question.

Don't forget about interactive staging

Git interactive staging can also work wonders. To enter interactive staging (aka: adding, removing files):

 $ git add -i

Putting aside the fact, that this is just a terrible idea, you can add them as any other file:

git add *.ogit commit -m "Committing compiled files, which is bad"

Of course instead of git add *.o you can use git add */*.o or even find -name *.o | while read x; do git add $x; done

Maybe you have ignored your .o file, check out your .gitignore file if it exists.
Otherwise, you can add all files just by:

$ git add .$ git commit -am "You message"

However, I dot think it's a good idea to trace the .o files. It's binary file, you'll get these files whenever you do build. Ignore it is a good practice. :)