git clone over https 401 error and not asking for username or password git clone over https 401 error and not asking for username or password git git

git clone over https 401 error and not asking for username or password

I got it to work using this format: destination_folder

However according to these 2 posts, using that method could be a security problem:

Can a username and password be sent safely over HTTPS via URL parameters?

Username and password in https url

To avoid having to enter a password at all (on Windows or Unix), you can:

  • check that HOME is defined (on Windows, it isn't by default)
  • setup a _netrc file with the following content:
    machine    login your_codaset_login    password your_codaset_password

Note: %HOME%\_netrc on Windows, $HOME/.netrc on Unix

That way, when you are cloning your repo, instead of typing:

 git clone destination_folder_name.git

, you can remove the initial username:

git clone destination_folder_name.git

and you won't have to enter a password.

If you don't want to put your credentials (in particular your password) in plain text in an .netrc file, you can encrypt that netrc file with gpg: see "Is there a way to skip password typing when using https:// github"

You can do:

git clone destination_folder_name.git

to make it prompt for password.