Git error remote: Empty password Git error remote: Empty password git git

Git error remote: Empty password

I'm using git(2.12.2) 64-bit on Windows 10. My solution is simply close the login window which you have to type account and password, and a SSh window will pop out, then you type your password.

I know my answer is very late. But I am going to explain to fix this problem on windows step by step. After upgrading SourceTree version 2.1.10, we can see like that.

SourceTree stores credentials in the Windows credential manager. To see and remove them, do the following:

  1. Click on User Accounts in Control Panel.
  2. In the left-hand list of links, click Manage Your Credentials.
  3. When the Manage Your Credential page opens, it shows your Web Credentials. Click on the "Windows Credentials" button.enter image description here

  4. In the list(Windows Credentials), look for entries that start with "git:http". Remove these entries.

  5. And Please delete a file - C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Atlassian\SourceTree\passwd
  6. Source tree app re-open and work on this. If the app needs password, you can input.

All done. Hope to help you.

You can try:

git clone https://naor_shoyhat:<password>

It worked for me in a pinch, but I do agree that it is not the best solution.