git flow - how do I pause development on one feature to work on another git flow - how do I pause development on one feature to work on another git git

git flow - how do I pause development on one feature to work on another

You do not need the git flow feature pause yak-Speedup command (feature pause doesn't exist anyway). The command you want to use in place of git flow feature resume yak-Speedup is git flow feature checkout yak-Speedup; that will get you back on the yak-Speedup feature branch to continue development.

Executing git flow displays:

Try 'git flow <subcommand> help' for details.

And executing git flow feature help displays:

usage: git flow feature [list] [-v]       git flow feature start [-F] <name> [<base>]       git flow feature finish [-rFk] <name|nameprefix>       git flow feature publish <name>       git flow feature track <name>       git flow feature diff [<name|nameprefix>]       git flow feature rebase [-i] [<name|nameprefix>]       git flow feature checkout [<name|nameprefix>]       git flow feature pull <remote> [<name>]

Late to the party, but my experience is this..I use git in combination with git flow..

git flow feature start foo  <<== start#code, hack and COMMITgit checkout develop        <<== go back to develop branch.. git flow feature start foo2 <<== start a new feature#code, hack and COMMITgit checkout feature/foo    <<== go back to foo. NB: using full branch name

By going back to develop i ensure that I am branching independently from foo and using develop only. I can also do any merging of develop if there has been commits from other features at the time as well....

What you want are really branches:

git branch feature1 <startingpoint>git checkout feature1# hack hack hack, commit commit commitgit branch feature2 <startingpoint>git checkout feature2# hack hack hack, commit commit commit# Oops, urgent request comming in, must switch to stable and patchgit stashgit checkout stable# patch, commit, push# back to feature2git checkout feature2git stash pop

etc etc. Branches are made for that.

And once you know your feature is good, merge into dev and push.