Git Hooks inside PyCharm running in incorrect environment Git Hooks inside PyCharm running in incorrect environment git git

Git Hooks inside PyCharm running in incorrect environment

PyCharm doesn't run git hooks under the virtual environment. The relevant ticket in the bug tracker:

It seems that the aforementioned PyCharm ticket won't be fixed soon (it's there since 2014).

This hack below works for me; I added this to the PyCharm ticket:

This is a slightly annoying workaround that works for me:

  1. Close PyCharm.
  2. cd /your/project/dir
  3. Open PyCharm from the command line: PYENV_VERSION="$(pyenv local | head -1)" open /Applications/ I'm using macOS, you should adapt the open command to your OS.

I have to do it every time I switch projects, otherwise the pylintpre-commit hook doesn't work. If you have a similar config for your projects (Python version and not using PyLint), just run PyCharm from the CLI once.

Here's what worked for me.

I was getting the following error:

18:37   Commit failed with error            0 file committed, 1 file failed to commit: Update pre-commit hooks            env: python3.7: No such file or directory

When I navigated to .git/hooks/pre-commit in my project repo, it turned out that the shebang line is #!/usr/bin/env python3.7.

This was an issue, since calling python3.7 on my MacOS would end up with the following:

zsh: command not found: python3.7

I could have either added a global python3.7 or, alternatively, updated the shebang. I went with the latter one and changed the shebang line to:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

This resolved the issue for me.