git post-receive hook not running git post-receive hook not running git git

git post-receive hook not running

In order for a Git hook to run, it needs to have permissions set to allow it to be executable. If a hook doesn't seem to be running, check the permissions, and make sure it's executable. If it isn't you can make all hooks executable like this:

chmod ug+x .git/hooks/*

...or if you want to make a single hook (eg. post-receive) executable:

chmod ug+x .git/hooks/post-receive

(Thanks to this post)

I had this problem. I had a typo in my script filename.

post-recieve instead of post-receive

The issue was related to the mounting of the filesystem. The partition was mounted as noexec, and therefore no files could be executed. This caused the hook not to run. I removed the noexec flag and it now works just fine.