git push to multiple repositories simultaneously [duplicate] git push to multiple repositories simultaneously [duplicate] git git

git push to multiple repositories simultaneously [duplicate]

I don't think you can do it just by setting a flag on git, but you can modify a config file that will allow you to push to multiple remote repositories without manually typing them all in (well only typing them in the first time and not after)

In the .git/config file you can add multiple urls to a defined remote:

[remote "all"]    url=ssh://user@server/repos/g0.git    url=ssh://user@server/repos/g1.git

If you git push all now you push to all the remote urls.

No manual editing

You can add multiple URL to a remote branch (e.g. all) directly from command line by using git config --add with differents URL:

git config --add remote.all.url ssh://user@server/repos/g0.gitgit config --add remote.all.url ssh://user@server/repos/g1.git

Fully automatic

If you're super lazy and don't bear to copy/paster URL several times, this is for you:

function git-add-push-all() {  while read -r name url method; do    git config --add remote.all.url "$url"  done < <(git remote -v | awk '!/^all/ && /push/')}git-add-push-all # from git (sub)directory

A full bashy script is possible (test $name and $method), but awk is sweet and there is love for everyone.


Then you can push to all remote with

git push all


You can also get url from configured remotes :

for repo in g0 g1    git config --add remote.all.url `git config remote.$repo.url`done

where g0, g1, ... are the names of your remotes.