Git squash all commits in branch without conflicting Git squash all commits in branch without conflicting git git

Git squash all commits in branch without conflicting

If you don't need the commit information, then you could just do a soft reset. Then files remain as they were and when you commit, this commit will be on top of the commit you did reset to.

To find the commit to reset to:



git reset --soft COMMIT_HASH

Then re-craft the commit, perhaps:

git commit -am 'This is the new re-created one commit'

This is simlar to the answer from Rasmus but broken down into three steps that should always work:

$ git merge feature1$ git reset --soft HEAD@{1}$ git commit -c feature1


  1. merge and resolve conflicts
  2. keep changes staged but reset to old head
  3. commit all changes using commit message and author from feature branch latest commit

I've created a tool specifically for this task:

For example you can call following to squash all commits from "master" commit up to HEAD, no matter how many conflicts there would be along the way:

git squash master

It's basically what GitHub does when you "squash and merge" pull request.