GitHub clone from pull request? GitHub clone from pull request? git git

GitHub clone from pull request?

The easiest way to do that is like this:

git fetch origin pull/2/headgit checkout -b pullrequest FETCH_HEAD

You will now be on a new branch that is on the state of the pull request.

You might want to set up an alias by running

git config --global '!f() { git fetch -fu ${2:-origin} refs/pull/$1/head:pr/$1 && git checkout pr/$1; }; f'

Now you can checkout any PR by running git pr <pr_number>, or git pr <pr_number> <remote> if your github remote is not named origin.

You can clone the branch you want by using the -b option and for pull request:

git clone -b feature/pull_request_name dir_name

In your case, the branch you want to clone is the source branch of the pull request (feature/mongoose-support):

git clone -b feature/mongoose-support ./mongoose-support

git fetch origin refs/pull/PR_NUMBER/head:NEW_LOCAL_BRANCH


git fetch origin pull/611/head:pull_611git checkout pull_611

Make changes, commit them, PUSH and open new PR from your fork on GitHub