How do I grant Git 'ForcePush' permissions for pushing bfg-repo-cleaner results to VSTS? How do I grant Git 'ForcePush' permissions for pushing bfg-repo-cleaner results to VSTS? git git

How do I grant Git 'ForcePush' permissions for pushing bfg-repo-cleaner results to VSTS?

To set Force push permission for a branch, it’s located in Branch Security. If you are an administrator for the team project, you can also set it by yourself. Detail steps of setting as below:

In the VSTS team project -> Code Tab -> selected the repo you are working for -> Branches Tab -> select the branch you want to set force push permission -> button -> Branch Security -> set the group you are in or add your account as user -> set Force push to Allow -> save changes.

enter image description here

enter image description here

Additional to above. You have to do the same for the branch and for the repository (Code -> Manage Repositories).Also keep in mind about default configuration: Project Collection Administrators group doesn't have the Force Push permissions.