How to change git shell's start directory in windows 7 How to change git shell's start directory in windows 7 git git

How to change git shell's start directory in windows 7

  1. Right click on Git Shell
  2. Choose Properties
  3. Move to the end of the Target field
  4. Change --open-shell to --open-shell=c:\your_dir

1.Open GitHub Windows client.

2.Click tools (at the top of the window) and select 'Options'.

enter image description here

3.There you will find 'default storage location'. This is where Git Shell starts when you run it.

enter image description here

When I use @ssmith's answer it opens up in the right directory but does not have any of the features of posh-git. When I open it up normally it say s posh-git in the title, when I add this configuration it just says powershell...

I figured it out, use/create the file


(the default profile) and then add the line mentioned above

Set-Location C:\Your\Start\Directory