How to config git to pull from http and push through ssh in one 'remote'? How to config git to pull from http and push through ssh in one 'remote'? git git

How to config git to pull from http and push through ssh in one 'remote'?

From the git-config man page:

remote.<name>.url The URL of a remote repository. See git-fetch(1) or git-push(1).

remote.<name>.pushurl The push URL of a remote repository. See git-push(1).

Try setting the former to an http: url and the latter to a git+ssh: (or just git:) url?

Original answer, for push through ssh in one 'remote': this applies only to one repo, the current one:

If you have a git remote -v which returns an https URL for "origin", you can type:

git config remote.origin.pushurl

Or rather:

git remote set-url --push

As noted here:

It is not functionally different, as set-url internally ends up just calling config. But set-url will complain if you mistype the command part "git remote set-url --push", whereas git config will silently accept mistyped options, but fail to actually set the remote's url.

See git-reference (here adapted):

$ git remote -vorigin (fetch)origin (push)$ git remote set-url --push origin$ git remote -vorigin (fetch)origin (push)

In the context of the bounty, jww adds:

I want this to apply to all of, and not just my repos

Then git remote is not the answer.

Only url.<base>.pushInsteadOf would apply to all repos:

Any URL that starts with this value will not be pushed to; instead, it will be rewritten to start with , and the resulting URL will be pushed to. I


 git config --global url."".pushInsteadOf # or git config --global url."ssh://".pushInsteadOf

I mentioned that option in 2014 in "Git: how to get the public, read-only git:// URL".

The --global option will make that applied to all repos, not just the current one.