How to use git (git config --global)? How to use git (git config --global)? git git

How to use git (git config --global)?

Not sure where "smcho" comes from, but the setting to set your name is

git config --global "Your Name"

You can set your e-mail address too:

git config --global "name@domain.example"

I guess the reason it complains about the lack of a section is that the name of the parameter to set probably needs to be in two parts: section.parameter_name (You can see the sections names within [] if you look in the configuration file, for example in .git/config).

(None of this is specific to OSX as far as I'm aware.)

A simple answer to this question/problem is that do not replace "" with your actual git username leave the as it isthe command needs to be:

git config --global "Your Name here only"

to edit the whole config file

git config --global --edit