IntelliJ IDEA Bitbucket Git integration not pushing IntelliJ IDEA Bitbucket Git integration not pushing git git

IntelliJ IDEA Bitbucket Git integration not pushing

Following this answer, you might need to open the "Git Bash", and define a remote:

git remote add origin http//IP/path/to/repositorygit push -u origin master

In IntelliJ IDEA right-click on project select Synchronize 'YourProject'

For the reason behind the '-u' (upstream branch) option, see:
"Why do I need to explicitly push a new branch?".

I've created a youtube Video addressing this issue. Thanks @VonC for your help.

Actually problem is intellj plugin has some problem in adding remote to repo when it was shared via plugin, so it is mandatory to add the remote manuallyIt is not necessary to execute push command since it can be done from IDE itself. Need to execute git remote add .

git remote add origin https://<username><username>/<reponame>

Best video to understand try to install the Command line console plugin for intellij before viewing the video.