Is it possible and how "Giving credit for a change" for Mercurial/Git as in Bazaar? Is it possible and how "Giving credit for a change" for Mercurial/Git as in Bazaar? git git

Is it possible and how "Giving credit for a change" for Mercurial/Git as in Bazaar?

In git you have the similar command:

git commit --author="Name <>"

But it usually comes from pre-set config values.

Hg has a similar flag for setting the user, but does not make a distinction between author and committer. But there is an extension to do that.

Both git and hg do not have the concept of setting multiple authors for a commit. Though that is usually done in the commit message in some pre-determined way / convention in the team

Mercurial has no such ability by default. There is no way to specify a "committer" vs an "author" directly. Similarly there is support for only one author.

Such metadata is embedded by default in git. To see it just try tying git log. You'll see all the metadata associated with each commit. You can set your username and email as specified in this tutorial. Essentially you can set your email and name like this:

$ git config --global "Scott Chacon"

$ git config --global ""

Also, git has a fun command called blame which lets you see who changed exactly what line.