Is it possible to cherry-pick a commit from another git repository? Is it possible to cherry-pick a commit from another git repository? git git

Is it possible to cherry-pick a commit from another git repository?

The answer, as given, is to use format-patch but since the question was how to cherry-pick from another folder, here is a piece of code to do just that:

$ git --git-dir=../<some_other_repo>/.git \format-patch -k -1 --stdout <commit SHA> | \git am -3 -k

You'll need to add the other repository as a remote, then fetch its changes. From there you see the commit and you can cherry-pick it.

Like that:

git remote add other fetch other

Now you have all the information to simply do git cherry-pick.

More info about working with remotes here:

Here's an example of the remote-fetch-merge.

cd /home/you/projectAgit remote add projectB /home/you/projectBgit fetch projectB

Then you can:

git cherry-pick <first_commit>..<last_commit>

or you could even merge the whole branch

git merge projectB/master