Is it possible to do a Git Pull --rebase with Visual Studio git tools (and can it be set by default) Is it possible to do a Git Pull --rebase with Visual Studio git tools (and can it be set by default) git git

Is it possible to do a Git Pull --rebase with Visual Studio git tools (and can it be set by default)

In VS2017 you can use built-in feature to change git settings for rebase: go to Team Explorer -> Home -> Settings -> Global Settings or Repository Settings -> set Rebase local branch when pulling: True (screenshot)

Visual Studio 2015 does not support pull+rebase. You can achieve it manually by performing a fetch of 'branch' and then do a rebase onto 'origin/branch'. But not automatically.

Visual Studio 2017 (release candidate) will currently perform the pull+rebase if it's configured as default option in your global git settings. It does currently still give you an warning saying "unexpected merge result". I'm hoping this will be fixed before the final version comes out.

Open Git Bash and paste:

git config --global branch.autosetuprebase always

This will make every future pull a pull --rebase.