Jenkins job notification fails with "No git consumers for URI ..." Jenkins job notification fails with "No git consumers for URI ..." git git

Jenkins job notification fails with "No git consumers for URI ..."

Enable SCM polling for each project you want to notify:

  1. Go to the Dashboard.
  2. Click on your project.
  3. Click Configure.
  4. Under Build Triggers check the box for Poll SCM.
  5. Repeat for any other projects.

The notification you send tells Jenkins to poll the repository, so projects will only respond if SCM polling is enabled.

The message No git consumers for URI always shows up, you should be worried if you see No git jobs using repository. The response will contain a list of jobs scheduled for polling, so as long as you see them, the polling was triggered.

That said you might want to check that polling is actually doing something. If you go into a job configured with Git, you can see a link to the Git Polling Log on the left. In there you'll be able to see if the trigger actually did anything and, more crucially, if there was an error.

I had an issue similar to this, and it took me a while to figure out that my Git was misconfigured. My job will build fine when manually triggered, but the polling trigger would use a different path to the Git binary and fail. I ended up having to define the Git path to fix my issue.

I had to take the following steps:

  1. Enable SCM Polling as answered by @angstadt530
    • project->configure->"Build Triggers"->"Enable SCM Polling" ... check it
  2. Check the Git Polling Log as answered by @monitorjbl
    • project->"Git Polling Log" ... to identify #3
  3. Force polling using workspace
    • project->configure->"Source Code Management"->"Additional Behaviors"->add->"Force polling using workspace" ... select it from the pulldown.

After completing #1 in addition to "No git consumers for URI gitRepoURI" I also got, "Scheduled Polling of projectName".

However, looking at the Git Polling Log I found the error message: Can not run program "C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\git.exe": error=2, No such file or directory

To fix this error I had to configure source code management to Force polling using workspace (#3). I'm not sure why, because manually initiated builds work fine. Maybe a bug -- maybe the mixing of a linux server and a windows slave. But either way, this finally fixed it for me. Hope it helps.