Password authentication is temporarily disabled as part of a brownout. Please use a personal access token instead [duplicate] Password authentication is temporarily disabled as part of a brownout. Please use a personal access token instead [duplicate] git git

Password authentication is temporarily disabled as part of a brownout. Please use a personal access token instead [duplicate]

  1. Generate a new token from GitHub's developer settings

  2. Update the remote URL:

    git remote set-url origin https://<token><Git_URL>
  3. Pull once:

    git pull https://<token>@<Git_URL>.git

And you are good to go.

The previously accepted answer, Kusal Shrestha's, does the job, but it is not safe because we store the token in plain text.

Storing it in the keychain is the better approach in my honest opinion.

For Visual Studio Code please read crg's answer.

For Windows:

You can try the @Venryx comment below, but I haven't tested it.

For Mac:

I just faced this issue now

Enter image description here

As suggested, I went to the development settings by following this URL and generated a token.

Then I went to my key chain access in my Mac:

Enter image description here

I deleted (all) the row for GitHub

Enter image description here

Now I went to the terminal and pushed dummy code

git push

Terminal asked me to enter the email and password for my account.

I entered my email, and, for the password, I entered the token that I generated earlier.

Enter image description here

And it started to work again.

Solution for macOS

I just followed the following instructions and that's solved my issue.

  1. Generate a personal access token for GitHub. Process to generate token
  2. Open your Keychain Access.
  3. Search for and double click on that.
  4. Update the password with the key you've generated recently.

N.B: I'm not sure this will work for other operating system users.