Prune empty merge commits from history in Git repository Prune empty merge commits from history in Git repository git git

Prune empty merge commits from history in Git repository

This is superior to the rebase solution because it preserves committer info, committer dates, and non-empty merges of the original history.

git filter-branch --prune-empty --parent-filter \    'sed "s/-p //g" | xargs -r git show-branch --independent | sed "s/\</-p /g"'

This is inspired by the same thread on the kernel mailing list than Lucas' solution. However it does not require Ruby and is a one-liner. It does require GNU versions of xargs and sed though.

I needed to do this after running filter-branch on a copy of ssokolow/profile to separate out ssokolow/lap.

This did a decent job as an automatic "collapse away anything left vestigial by --prune-empty" command:

git rebase --root HEAD

(I needed the --root so it would replace the now-empty initial commit with the oldest one that still had content.)

This looks like it worked for me:

git filter-branch -f --prune-empty --parent-filter FULL_PATH_TO/rewrite_parent.rb master 


#!/usr/bin/ruby old_parents = gets.chomp.gsub('-p ', ' ') if old_parents.empty? then   new_parents = [] else   new_parents = `git show-branch --independent #{old_parents}`.split end puts{|p| '-p ' + p}.join(' ')