Rebasing a local branch from develop Rebasing a local branch from develop git git

Rebasing a local branch from develop

I don't know the phpstorm interface for Git, but in the command line I'd do the following:

  • git checkout develop
  • git pull origin develop -> this fetches the remote version of the develop branch and merges it (or rebases it, depending on your pull strategy) into/onto your local branch. This way the local and the remote versions of develop are the same
  • git checkout feature-brach
  • git rebase develop

If there are any conflicts - resolve them. After that you can create a pull request against develop.

When you are at your branch, where you have committed changes:Do the following:

  1. git fetch
  2. git rebase origin/developIn case of any conflicts, please fix them.Then,
  3. git add .
  4. git rebase --continue