Transfer gist repo to github Transfer gist repo to github git git

Transfer gist repo to github

You can add the github repository as a remote to your checked out gist repository.

git clone remote add github

Push it to initialize the git on github

git push -u github master

If your github repo wasn't quite empty (you created it with a README, license, etc. which you don't mind losing) you will have to do a force overwrite on your push

git push -f -u github master

If you don't want to lose the exiting commits and files, see

This will also change the upstream of the branch, so github will be default.

You now can rename the remote of gist:

git remote rename origin gist

Each time you make changes (or pull changes from github/gist), you can do:

git push                 # To githubgit push gist master     # To gist

This will also push back your changes to the gist and not only the github repo.

Github now has a new feature - import from another repository. So the steps are much simplified:

  1. Use the import feature and specify the URL of the repository.
  2. Profit!


You don't have to create a repo. The + button in the top right corner now has 'Import Repository' as an option.

screenshot from github

Clone the gist (e.g. git clone git:// to your local harddrive, then set the new URL for origin (e.g. git remote set-url origin Push to the new repository (git push origin master). Happy gitting!