untracked files not shown in git status untracked files not shown in git status git git

untracked files not shown in git status

I figured out what was going wrong. Basically the first line in my .gitignore file is "*/". This causes any file added to sub directory being ignored by git status command. But the funny thing was if I modify any files in sub folder, git status correctly shows them as modified as the file is already in git repository, but was ignoring new files in sub folder.

I fixed my issue by removing the line in .gitignore file to not ignore changes in sub folders, then added the new files to index and then again added back the line in .gitignore so that it will ignore any generated files in subfolders.

Thanks all for the responses.

This is likely because your base_fldr\sub_fldr\ directory is untracked, if you run:

git add base_fldr\sub_fldr\

From within your working copy root, it will automatically add the directory and other files and directories within that directory as well.

By default, git will not show files within directories that are untracked.

I ran into a similar issue with missing tracked files. While experimenting with ways to manage locally modified versions of tracked files without having to constantly avoid accidental commits, I ran the following:

git update-index --assume-unchanged my-tracked-file-that-is-awol

I ended up scrapping this idea, but forgot to undo the command, so subsequent changes to this and other --assume-unchanged files were completely missing from:

git status -u --ignored

It took me a while to figure out what was going on, but I simply had to reverse the command with:

git update-index --no-assume-unchanged my-tracked-file-that-is-awol