What should be in my .gitignore for an Android Studio project? What should be in my .gitignore for an Android Studio project? git git

What should be in my .gitignore for an Android Studio project?

Updated to Android Studio 3.0Please share missing items in comments.

A late answer but this alternative answer was not right for us ...

So, here's our gitignore file:

#built application files*.apk*.ap_*.aab                           # files for the dex VM*.dex                            # Java class files*.class                            # generated filesbin/gen/                            # Local configuration file (sdk path, etc)local.properties                        # Windows thumbnail dbThumbs.db                # OSX files.DS_Store                            # Android Studio*.iml.idea#.idea/workspace.xml - remove # and delete .idea if it better suit your needs..gradlebuild/.navigationcaptures/output.json     #NDKobj/.externalNativeBuild

Since Android Studio 2.2 and up to 3.0, new projects are created with this gitignore file:


Deprecated - for older project format, add this section to your gitignore file:


This file should be located in the project's root folder and not inside the project's module folder.

Edit Notes:

  1. Since version 0.3+ it seems you can commit and push *.iml and build.gradle files. If your project is based on Gradle: in the new open/import dialog, you should check the "use auto import" checkbox and mark the "use default gradle wrapper (recommended)" radio button. All paths are now relative as @George suggested.

  2. Updated answer according to @128KB attached source and @Skela suggestions

Building on my normal Android .gitignore, and after reading through documentation on the Intellij IDEA website and reading posts on StackOverflow, I have constructed the following file:

# built application files*.apk*.ap_# files for the dex VM*.dex# Java class files*.class# built native files (uncomment if you build your own)# *.o# *.so# generated filesbin/gen/# Ignore gradle files.gradle/build/# Local configuration file (sdk path, etc)local.properties# Proguard folder generated by Eclipseproguard/# Eclipse Metadata.metadata/# Mac OS X clutter*.DS_Store# Windows clutterThumbs.db# Intellij IDEA (see https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/entries/23393067).idea/workspace.xml.idea/tasks.xml.idea/datasources.xml.idea/dataSources.ids

Also note that as pointed out, the built native files section is primarily useful when you are building your own native code with the Android NDK. If, on the other hand, you are using a third party library that includes these files, you may wish to remove these lines (*.o and *.so) from your .gitignore.

Updated 7/2015:

Here is the definitive source from JetBrains

Directory based project format (.idea directory)

This format is used by all the recent IDE versions by default. Here is what you need to share:

  • All the files under .idea directory in the project root except the workspace.xml and tasks.xml files which store user specific settings
  • All the .iml module files that can be located in different module directories (applies to IntelliJ IDEA)

Be careful about sharing the following:

  • Android artifacts that produce a signed build (will contain keystore passwords)
  • In IDEA 13 and earlier dataSources.ids, datasources.xml can contain database passwords. IDEA 14 solves this problem.

You may consider not to share the following:

  • gradle.xml file, see this discussion
  • user dictionaries folder (to avoid conflicts if other developer has the same name)
  • XML files under .idea/libraries in case they are generated from Gradle project

Legacy project format (.ipr/.iml/.iws files)

  • Share the project .ipr file and all the .iml module files, don't share the .iws file as it stores user specific settings

While these instructions are for IntelliJ IDEA, they hold true 100% for Android Studio.

Here is a .gitignore snippet that incorporates all of the above rules:

# Android Studio / IntelliJ IDEA *.iws.idea/libraries.idea/tasks.xml.idea/vcs.xml.idea/workspace.xml