Xcode and Git Source Control : “The working copy XXXXX failed to commit files” Xcode and Git Source Control : “The working copy XXXXX failed to commit files” git git

Xcode and Git Source Control : “The working copy XXXXX failed to commit files”

I was getting this also. at first I could restart the mac and everything was working fine. Eventually though the problem came back with a vengeance even with a restart it would not let me commit so I had to do the command line loving. one caveat being that you have to type xcrun before any git commands in terminal when using vanilla git installed with Xcode.

so type:

xcrun git config --global user.email your@email.comxcrun git config --global user.name "your name"

after doing this everything was fine and dandy.

I faced the same issue after installing Xcode 7. The solution provided by Kent Latimer worked for me. Config without --global in workspace directory from terminal.

xcrun git config user.name "Toto"xcrun git config user.email toto.toto@mail.com

A file being Committed can cause the error:

The working copy '' failed to commit files.Couldn't communicate with a helper application

For those using Xcode for Source Control, and who have tried with no success:

xcrun git config --global user.name "Toto" and
xcrun git config --global user.email toto.toto@mail.com

Check to see if a file being Committed is causing this problem.

Here's how to navigate through this error: When committing, uncheck one file at a time and try Committing. If that doesn't work, uncheck multiple files and only leave a few or one checked.

What to expect:Eventually, you should figure out which file is preventing the communications with the git. Once all the other files are Committed, disregard all changes. Everything should work fine after this.

How might files change without being tracked?A file changed without being tracked by Source Control will cause this problem. This could happen if perhaps you had to switch MacBooks to a backup so you could send off your primary MacBook for repair. Using Dropbox to sync up your files works, for the most part, but the original Xcode may make a subtle change that was not tracked in the MacBook the project is being migrated to.