Add JIRA Quick Search to Chrome Omnibox Add JIRA Quick Search to Chrome Omnibox google-chrome google-chrome

Add JIRA Quick Search to Chrome Omnibox

In searching for the same answer, I discovered a partial solution. This solution requires that you use the keyword searching feature of the omnibox, so searching for "ISSUE-123" will not work but "jira ISSUE-123" will. It also supports quick-search text searching for example "jira some search string."

In chrome, follow these steps to configure:

  1. Open chrome's settings and click Manage Search Engines in thesearch section.
  2. Scroll to the bottom and enter the following information:
    • Search engine name: JIRA (or some description about which instance of jira like "Apache JIRA")
    • Keyword: jira (or something simple to remember on the omnibox, could be the base URL of your jira instance)
    • URL: (obviously, replace the with the host name of your jira instance)
  3. Click done

To use:

  1. In the omnibox type jira (or your keyword you configured above) followed by a tab or space
  2. Enter your quick-search term which could be an issue key, free-form text or project text

Examples of what to type in the OmniBox:

  • An issue key: jira WEB-123
  • Free-form text: jira Logo change
  • Project-specific search: jira WEB logo

In newer versions of JIRA (I'm using 6.2.7), the URL to use is (replace with your host name).

Update: In JIRA 6.4.4, this URL works:

Another method is to use Setting>Search Engine>Manage Search Engines and add your URL https://yourjirasite/secure/QuickSearch.jspa?searchString=%s and set your 'keyword' to something quick, like 'jira' or 'j'.

Then from the chrome omnibox you can type "j MyProject-1234" and find your Jira right away. or "j FooBar" to find all the FooBar related Issues.