Add styles to console.table() in chrome Add styles to console.table() in chrome google-chrome google-chrome

Add styles to console.table() in chrome

Even though @faby created a nice example to use the console.log(), I still didn't found it applicable for my problem. I did also come to the conclusion that adding styles to the console.table() is not possible.

I came up with a solution that nests the results into groups, showing the table nested inside:

console.groupCollapsed('Testing unit: %s', unit);for (var r in results) {    var res = results[r];    console.groupCollapsed('%c  %c' + res.status, 'background-color: ' + (res.status === 'failed' ? 'red' : 'green') + '; margin-right: 10px', 'background-color: transparent');    console.table({        Result:   {value: res.status},        Function: {value: res.function},        Asserted: {value: res.asserted},        Returned: {value: res.returned}    });    console.groupEnd();}console.groupEnd();

This gives the following output:


Try using console.log inside console.table and use the styles

working and tested code:

console.table(console.log('%c test1 ', 'background: #cdcdcd; color: #000000'),console.log('%c test2 ', 'background: #ff0000; color: #ffffff'));

for your case you can do this

var x = {            status: 'failed',            function: '',            asserted: true,            result: false        };console.table(        console.log('%c '+ x.status + x.function  + ' ', 'background: #cdcdcd; color: #000000'), add other elements of the array);

replace my x with elements of your array