always accept webRTC webcam request always accept webRTC webcam request google-chrome google-chrome

always accept webRTC webcam request

Firefox : (You have to tell users like..)

  • Go in url about:config

  • Search media.navigator.permission.disabled

  • dbClick or set value to true

Tested version : 23.0 + (and 43.0.4 still working)

Chrome : or use HTTPS

Based on what the Chromium developers are saying, there is currently no option to configure your browser to allow camera usage, unless you utilize the "Always allow" dialog - which will only be shown if the site is served using HTTPS. That means, if you serve the HTML page using HTTPS, and once confirm the "Always allow" option, it should work from there on. Here is a collection of links where you'll find answers to the same or similar questions:

  1. Chromium issue 143372: allow "always allow" for http://localhost
  2. WebRTC: allow Chrome to access microphone via Chrome Extension
  3. (see section on WebRTC): "For the permission dialog: Chrome only show the "Always allow" for sites using https for increased security."
  4. Discuss WebRTC Google Group: Automatically allow Camera Access Request in webrtc enabled Chrome

There is a Chrome option for that: (This works in both http and https)


- Windows :

start chrome --use-fake-ui-for-media-stream

- GNU/Linux :

google-chrome --use-fake-ui-for-media-stream

Maybe this is just a matter of time, but it didn't work on my chromium on Ubuntu.I had to get the .deb from the google chrome website.

- Mac :

Applications/Google\\ Chrome --use-fake-ui-for-media-stream

This could be useful in a development/testing environment.