Android Browsing history leaving out some sites only Android Browsing history leaving out some sites only google-chrome google-chrome

Android Browsing history leaving out some sites only

This is because you never visit the desktop domain on your mobile , actually each time you visit facebook on your mobile ( or any other website that detects your navigator ) it will automatically redirects you to the mobile website , redirections will not be saved in history unless page loads , which never happens.

Check the following screenshot taken from my true N7100 galaxy note2 and my windows browser :

if you are using chrome browser you can request desktop website ( which is not a reliable solution as user will have to do this manually ).

another solution is to override redirection method which will not work due to XSS policy.

so a better solution is to fake your browser and convince the server that you are using a desktop browser check this answer .

The simulator on desktop uses device user agent which will count as desktop browser.screenshot