Anyone know a workaround for this Chrome bug? Anyone know a workaround for this Chrome bug? google-chrome google-chrome

Anyone know a workaround for this Chrome bug?

that's normal if chrome it is using a monotonic clock (e.g. CLOCK_MONOTONIC) to get the time

seems to be on a five minute interval?

if you move time forward it says there for about five minutes, even if you move time back, then updates.

explain more, your reason for this function, how important is it? if the time is critical you should be doing it server side anyways.

Yep, also reproducable on WinXP

<html><head><script type='text/javascript'>function alert_minutes() {    var d = new Date();    alert ('Minutes past the hour: ' + d.getMinutes());}</script></head><body>  <button onclick="alert_minutes()">Click Me</button></body></html>

Also I closed the 'button' tag in 9th line, you close a 'div' tag instead, but that didn't exist. The only way to reset the script, is exiting the process of the tab and then reopening it.

PS. Sorry for my English