Are push notifications possible in html5 without fully https site? Are push notifications possible in html5 without fully https site? google-chrome google-chrome

Are push notifications possible in html5 without fully https site?

Simple-push, that is the current push solution in Firefox OS doesn't have anything to do with ServiceWorkers.

The next generation of push, implemented by both Google and Mozilla will be done through ServiceWorkers:

In that case yes, your content will need to be served over HTTPS.

Probably you will be interested in the LetsEncrypt initiative:

A new certification authority that will help developers to transition their content over HTTPS.

Also just for development purposes, both Google and Mozilla implementations of ServiceWorkers allow you to bypass the check of the secure content, if you develop against localhost.In the case of Mozilla you will need to enable the flag:

devtools.serviceWorkers.testing.enabled: true

But again this will be just for development, and AFAIK, Mozilla push landed or is about to land, and will be available in the nightly builds, you can follow the work here:

No, the new generation of push notifications (i.e. Push API) requires HTTPS.

If you need to add push notifications to a website without HTTPS you can use a third-party service like Pushpad (I am the founder) that delivers notifications on your behalf.

The text you cited from the spec is from the Cache.addAll() section (5.4).

Here's the summary of addAll() on MDN:

The addAll() method of the Cache interface takes an array of URLS, retrieves them, and adds the resulting response objects to the given cache. The request objects created during retrieval become keys to the stored response operations.

Service workers can request & cache URLs that are either HTTP or HTTPS, but a Service Worker itself can only work in its registered Scope (which must be HTTPS).

simple-push is not related to Service Workers; it seems comparable to the approaches other platforms have taken: