Audio playback halts/stops on Chrome 64 Audio playback halts/stops on Chrome 64 google-chrome google-chrome

Audio playback halts/stops on Chrome 64

After a couple of days of trial and error and research, I have confirmed what doesn't and does work.

Doesn't work


mp3wrap output.mp3 *.mp3the output file is still corrupted and halts


ffmpeg -i "concat:0.mp3|1.mp3" -acodec copy output.mp3the output file is still corrupted and halts

Does work

mp3val with -f argument

Simply concatenate/implode your audio binaries (in PHP I do implode('', $audioBinaries) and then run mp3val -f concatenated-audio-file.mp3. The -f argument is essential and it means "try to fix errors".

How to install mp3val?

On MacOS: brew install mp3valOn Deb/Ubu: apt-get install mp3val

Same issue I am facing with concatenating technique. With ffmpeg, it works fine. Try ffmpeg with this command.

ffmpeg -f concat -i "{textfile}" -c:v copy -ab 48k -y "{output}"

textfile will have a list of files written per line.