Avoid/Bypass Dev tools detection in Chrome? Avoid/Bypass Dev tools detection in Chrome? google-chrome google-chrome

Avoid/Bypass Dev tools detection in Chrome?

You are probably talking about a video hosted on hqq.tv. Their code uses a check() function which does all the nasty magic to block all hacking attempts, so the easiest way to bypass the protection altogether is to disable this function.

Since recently, Chrome supports local overrides for javascript code (I found out about this from this SO thread). A bit nicer explanation on how this works can be found on Medium.

So I went ahead and located the check() function (in my case it was hqq.tv/js/embed.129.js) and added it to Overrides. In the overridden version I found the check() function and added return true; to its beginning:

function check(){return true; var element=new Image(); ...

However, this only disables the Dev Tool protection, but doesn't make your life much easier in terms of saving the video. My own solution doesn't work on hqq.tv, nor had I any luck with the solution suggested on videohelp forum. However, I was able to capture the stream using Stream Recorder Chrome extension.