“Aw Snap” error when loading large image in chrome “Aw Snap” error when loading large image in chrome google-chrome google-chrome

“Aw Snap” error when loading large image in chrome

"Aw Snap" means that the OS killed the Chrome process for this tab. This happens when your OS thinks that Chrome did something wrong (like when it allocates too much memory, memory corruption, outdated shared libraries after a system patch).

It's possible that Chrome needs too much memory to display such huge images. The workaround would be to cut the images into pieces ("tiling") and just display those tiles which are visible on the screen.

To find out for sure, you can run Chrome from the command line. Sometimes, it prints more descriptive error messages on the console when part of it crashes.

You should also try to apply the latest (security) patches to your OS, get the latest Chrome and reboot to make sure it's not a glitch. On my computer (16GB RAM, 1GB Video RAM), I can open a 19'000x19'000 PNG image without an error, it just takes ~20 seconds for the frame to render it.

You can debug "Aw Snap" errors enabling Chrome's logging.

To enable, launch Chrome using these command line flags:

--enable-logging --v=1

And open the Chrome's user data directory to find the file.

Go to the property of google chrome shortcut add --no-sandbox to the end of the target field then click apply

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