Backbone.js won't make cross-host requests? Backbone.js won't make cross-host requests? google-chrome google-chrome

Backbone.js won't make cross-host requests?

I hope one of these helps (I didn't try yet):
1. Overriding Backbone.js sync to allow Cross Origin

(function() {  var proxiedSync = Backbone.sync;  Backbone.sync = function(method, model, options) {    options || (options = {});    if (!options.crossDomain) {      options.crossDomain = true;    }    if (!options.xhrFields) {      options.xhrFields = {withCredentials:true};    }    return proxiedSync(method, model, options);  };})();

2. Cross domain CORS support for backbone.js

$.ajaxPrefilter(function(options, originalOptions, jqXHR) {    options.crossDomain ={        crossDomain: true    };    options.xhrFields = {        withCredentials: true    };});

hey you can use something like:

 var PostsCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({   initialize: function(models, options) {     // =;   },   url: 'http://myapi/api/get_posts/?count=8', }); posts = new PostsCollection(); posts.fetch({   dataType: 'jsonp',   success : function (data) {     console.log(data);   } });

the key is we need to use 'jsonp'

It turns out the URLs I was requesting with Backbone were slightly different than those requested via the XHR (they were missing a queryarg). This caused the server to 500, which doesn't have the CORS headers. Chrome didn't show the HTTP request at all in the network tab of the debug panel, so I was extremely confused.

Fixing the 500 on the server made this work again.