Bookmarking PDF in Google Chrome Bookmarking PDF in Google Chrome google-chrome google-chrome

Bookmarking PDF in Google Chrome

As of Chrome version 31+ the page number is displayed by the scroll bar if you scroll at all. I'm not sure when (what version) this feature was added.

Does it automatically update the hash tag to the page number?

If so, you could use document.location.hash as follows:

currentPage = document.location.hash.split("="); currentPage = currentPage[1];

not very user friendly but you can append document.documentElement.scrollTop property value to the url on the console

> document.documentElement.scrollTop<- 4000

bookmark as "file://path/to/pdf.pdf#4000"and then when you reopen it use that value to set the same property

document.documentElement.scrollTop = 4000

a simple user script should be able to do this...