Chrome 61 body doesn't scroll Chrome 61 body doesn't scroll google-chrome google-chrome

Chrome 61 body doesn't scroll

The solution described at the end of this question (checking for document.scrollingElement or falling back to document.body) won't work on IE, as it doesn't support document.scrollingElement (docs), and in IE, the scroll element is the HTML element.

I'd therefore suggest that a better solution for this would be something like;

var scrollNode = document.scrollingElement || document.documentElement;

Which should work for all modern browsers.

As a sidenote, it's interesting to consider that the scrollingElement property seems to have been added for the sole purpose of making it so that we don't need checks/fallbacks for getting the root scrolling element, but due to more browser incompatibilities, we still need a check/fallback in order to use scrollingElement.

Isn't web dev fun?

Ended adding this code to the document ready and it works.also, i had problems with some tooltips that were misplaced and this code fixed it:

    window.onload = function () {        var GetDocumentScrollTop = function () {            var isScrollBodyIE = ASPx.Browser.IE && ASPx.GetCurrentStyle(document.body).overflow == "hidden" && document.body.scrollTop > 0;            if (ASPx.Browser.WebKitFamily || isScrollBodyIE) {                if (ASPx.Browser.MacOSMobilePlatform)                    return window.pageYOffset;                else if (ASPx.Browser.WebKitFamily)                    return document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop;                return document.body.scrollTop;            }            else                return document.documentElement.scrollTop;        };        var _aspxGetDocumentScrollTop = function () {            if (__aspxWebKitFamily) {                if (__aspxMacOSMobilePlatform)                    return window.pageYOffset;                else                    return document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop;            }            else                return document.documentElement.scrollTop;        }        if (window._aspxGetDocumentScrollTop) {            window._aspxGetDocumentScrollTop = _aspxGetDocumentScrollTop;            window.ASPxClientUtils.GetDocumentScrollTop = _aspxGetDocumentScrollTop;        } else {            window.ASPx.GetDocumentScrollTop = GetDocumentScrollTop;            window.ASPxClientUtils.GetDocumentScrollTop = GetDocumentScrollTop;        }    };

Hope this could help you.