Chrome 73: Can no longer debug NodeJS with Dedicated DevTools for Node Chrome 73: Can no longer debug NodeJS with Dedicated DevTools for Node google-chrome google-chrome

Chrome 73: Can no longer debug NodeJS with Dedicated DevTools for Node


This bug was fixed in chrome 74.0.3729.61 check here

you might use ndb which is tailored for node.js and also from GoogleChromeLabs.

install using

npm install -g ndb


Use ndb instead of node command:

    ndb server.js    # Alternatively, you can prepend `ndb`    ndb node server.js

Prepend ndb in front of any other binary:

    ndb npm run unit    ndb mocha    ndb npx mocha

Launch ndb as a standalone application:

    # cd to your project folder (with a package.json)    ndb .    # In Sources panel > "NPM Scripts" sidebar, click the selected "Run" button

if you are using nodemon:

 ndb nodemon .

for further details see the project github repository