Chrome autocomplete lock inputs like they are not clickable Chrome autocomplete lock inputs like they are not clickable google-chrome google-chrome

Chrome autocomplete lock inputs like they are not clickable

This is an issue that happens every time Google Chrome autofills the fields when you permit it to save your login credentials on any form. It bugged me out the first times as well.I tried giving it a shot or two back when I encountered it for the first, but I gradually moved on and accepted it as a not-a-big deal kinda bug that every chrome user gotta have to deal with.So in conclusion, it's got nothing to do with your code. If you want to unfreeze the input fields, start typing something in them to change their value.I hope, this helps you and your nerves in accepting this browser-related behavior.

Have you tried using the a href tag? I know it's an obvious thing, but sometimes we forget to do things like that. Also, you can use the a:hover tag in your CSS.

I was facing the same issue in Angular and found a workaround for this scenario, resetting the input field's value on input click seems to fix the locking issue for me.


<input (click)="unfreezeInput($event)">


unfreezeInput(el) {    // setting input value again makes it editable =;}