Chrome error with NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR DOM Exception 7 Chrome error with NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR DOM Exception 7 google-chrome google-chrome

Chrome error with NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR DOM Exception 7

I think it's because you are using innerHTML when everywhere else you are using XML syntax. Try:

bmstyle.nodeValue = styleStr;

Suggestion 2:

It might also be because you are trying to set the innerHTML of a an element not yet in the HTML DOM. If that's the case, my first suggestion should still hold up, or you can go with:

document.body.appendChild(bmstyle);bmstyle.innerHTML = styleStr;

I'm not sure if you'd need a line inbetween to reclaim the element or if the bmstyle would still point to it.

Just a note for future reference... I'm using the following function to dynamically create CSS styles. I found that using textContent worked the best.

This breaks on Safari

el.innerHTML = css.join('\n'); 

This breaks on FireFox

el.innerText = css.join('\n');

The following is my final code that works on both browsers. IE not tested...

/*** Write out stylesheets to the page.* * @param {array} css*/function print_css(css) {    var headTag = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0],        el = document.createElement('style');    el.type = 'text/css';    el.textContent = css.join('\n');    headTag.appendChild(el);}

Me too, I had this problem, try this one:

bmstyle.value = styleStr;