Chrome Error: You are using an unsupported command-line flag: --ignore-certifcate-errors. Stability and security will suffer Chrome Error: You are using an unsupported command-line flag: --ignore-certifcate-errors. Stability and security will suffer google-chrome google-chrome

Chrome Error: You are using an unsupported command-line flag: --ignore-certifcate-errors. Stability and security will suffer

You can add this to the shortcut of the chrome browser, in the Target portion:


This would disable any warning messages.Not the best solution, but it works.

For a chrome version of 58.0.3029.110, You should use Chrome.driver of 2.28 version. Download driver from

Note: If you want to download other chromedriver of other version then change version number in the above url.

Happy learning

I had this issue recently. I found out I was using a 32-bit chromedriver for a 64-bit Mac. So I simply replaced the chromedriver with a 64-bit chromedriver from and the error was gone.