Chrome extension to monitor a kiosk and reload if needed Chrome extension to monitor a kiosk and reload if needed google-chrome google-chrome

Chrome extension to monitor a kiosk and reload if needed

  1. Have a content script in the kiosk page send a message every X seconds back to the background page

    In the content script:

    var port = chrome.extension.connect({ name: "keep-alive" });port.postMessage('is-alive', { alive: true });setInterval(function () {    port.postMessage('is-alive', { alive: true });}, 1000 * 15);
  2. If the background page detects the message hasn't come back after a certain time then reload the tab

    In the background page:

    var last =;var interval = 1000 * 15;chrome.extension.onConnect.addListener(function (port) {    if ( === 'keep-alive') {        port.onMessage.addListener(function (data) {            if (data.type === 'is-alive' && data.payload.alive === true) {                last =;            }        });    }});setInterval(function () {    if ( - last > interval) {        // Reload the tab...    }}, interval);

For information about reloading the tab, see the chrome.tabs documentation. You will need to add tabs to your permission list in the manifest.

If you'd like to know more about message passing, see the Messaging docs.