Chrome Extension WebSQL - need background & content pages to access same database, but they Don't Chrome Extension WebSQL - need background & content pages to access same database, but they Don't google-chrome google-chrome

Chrome Extension WebSQL - need background & content pages to access same database, but they Don't

This is not possible, same thing as with localStorage. Different scripts represent different contexts.

All extension scripts can communicate with background page though. Try creating a proxy API to the database on the background page. This should be simple enough.

I would implement it like this (content script):

chrome.extension.sendRequest({      method: 'executeSql',       sql: 'SELECT title, author FROM docs WHERE id=?',      params: [10]   },   function(response) {      //do stuff   }); 

and on the other end (background page):

chrome.extension.onRequest.addListener(function(request, sender, sendResponse) {    console.log(request);    if(request.method == 'executeSql' && request.sql) {        db.readTransaction(function (t) {            t.executeSql(request.sql, request.params, function (t, r) {               //send result with sendResponse            }, function (t, e) {               //send error with sendResponse            });        });    } else if(...) { //some other method etc.    } ...}

Above code is not tested, it's just a sketch.